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Posted in: Customer Retention, Fashion, Marketing Profile & Segmentation, Retail


Challenge: As a traditionally classic brand, Appleseed’s needed to insure ongoing relevancy among its key target audience as fashions evolved.

Objective: To help Appleseed’s gain insights into the attitudes and perceptions toward the Appleseed’s brand. Competitive brand perceptions were also assessed to develop an understanding of where the Appleseed’s brand fit within its target’s fashion mindset.

Solution: Plan-it conducted a series of Exploratory and Profile studies among customers and prospects. As part of the work, mock stores were set up to show a range of merchandise to participants in order to gain a better understanding of the appropriate merchandising mix and fashion range for the brand. Additionally, an exploratory study among Tog Shop customers (higher end line in the store) was conducted to provide an in-depth understanding of the brand, its target and critical needs for the Tog Shop in the future.

Result: Insights from all of the studies have been used as input for planning future merchandising, marketing and catalog design efforts, to best attract and serve their distinct customer bases.