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National Investment Management Service: Investment Advisory Program

Posted in: Brand Positioning & Development, Financial Services, Product/Service Development/Viability

National Investment Management Service: Investment Advisory Program

Challenge: A national financial services provider rolled out a new Investment Advisory Program offering and wanted to understand its impact/potential impact on the client experience among clients and prospects.

Objective: Determine how to most effectively drive consideration of the program among current brand brokerage clients as well as competitive clients.

Solution: Plan-it conducted focus groups and in-depth interviews among the brand’s brokerage and managed account clients and prospects in multiple markets across the U.S. to understand the needs of each target, determine if the provider was meeting expectations and whether the new platform was delivering on its “promises”/key benefits. Prospects were also probed for interest and messaging/factors that would motivate consideration of the new program.

Result: Learning was used to enhance and refine future communications and drive the transition process for the new managed account offering among both clients and prospects.