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National Investment Management Service: Managed Solutions Group

Posted in: Brand Positioning & Development, Financial Services, Product/Service Development/Viability, Qualitative Exploratory

National Investment Management Service: Managed Solutions Group

Challenge: A national financial services provider was undergoing a process of simplifying platforms and streamlining Managed Account offerings, and providing clients access to new benefits and services.

Objective: To explore, prior to launch, perceptions of the new offering overall, and to uncover specific features to highlight in future communications, as input into developing a compelling and relevant value proposition/positioning strategy.

Solution: A Qualitative Exploratory, comprised of focus groups and individual in-depth interviews, was conducted among customers to understand the ideal provider relationship, perceptions of a managed offering, and reactions to specific concept offerings and potential names for the final execution.

Result: Learning showed the importance of a trusted advisor relationship in driving consideration of the managed offering. Plan-it made a series of messaging and “relationship building” recommendations as well as suggestions for naming the new Advisor tool to be used as part of the offering.