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Pri-Med: Driving Conference Attendance

Posted in: Brand Positioning & Development, Healthcare, Professional Services/B2B

Pri-Med: Driving Conference Attendance

Challenge: Plan-it partnered with MC Communications, LLC, the founders of Pri-Med, on brand-building efforts since its inception. Pri-Med, one of the largest and widely known medical conferences in the country, was initially launched in 1994 to fill a void in the primary care market. Prior to its launch, there was no major conference that brought together all of the fields comprising primary care medicine.

Objective: Plan-it helped Pri-Med identify methods for further increasing attendance at its events, by understanding the key triggers and barriers to attendance and its perceived overall value.

Solution: Physicians across four different primary care fields and a mix of practice types were interviewed in an exploratory setting, at various Primed conference locations.

Result: As a result of this work, Plan-it made suggestions for targeting, curriculum format and content, communications strategies, and partner/sponsor strategies. Pri-Med implemented strategies which helped the brand continue to grow. Today, Primed offers multiple ways to access education and practice tools, including medical conferences, online education, podcasts and clinical resources.